Water, air, or aio cooling which is better


Computers, from home theaters to microcomputers or mini PCs, produce some amount of heat when they are running. This heat, if not dealt with optimally and quickly, may completely damage those delicate internal components of your computer. This was the main driver of the different cooling methods.

Water, air, or aio cooling which is better

Whether you bought your PC from a bulk retailer or directly from a manufacturer like HP, you will inevitably face a potentially critical decision when you build (or buy to order) your PC: Should you cool your PC?

Is yours using a traditional air cooling solution or a more expensive and more efficient liquid cooling system? Although this question may initially appear as an easy question to answer, it has many aspects that must be considered before you can answer it accurately.


What is the refrigeration process originally?


The secret to harnessing the cooling power generally lies in two important things or stages, the air transfer stage and the air dissipation stage. The first stage is usually done by the disperser itself, which in turn consists of a heat transfer material which is usually aluminum and copper tubes or an alloy.

 The efficiency of heat transfer depends on a few factors in this case, such as the heat transfer ability of the material of which the dispersal is made, the design of the fins and the spacing, as well as the number of copper tubes and other factors that depend on the type of coolant, whether it is air or water. The second stage in the cooling process is the dispersal process itself. And the dispersion process depends mainly on the fans that expel this heat or this hot air away from the central or graphic processor and then outside the case.


The secret is in the air cooling process in the cooling fans, where in this case you usually need a lot of fans. So a typical air-cooled computer is usually filled with various cooling fans, whether it's bag fans, graphics card fans, and a CPU fan or two (if the diffuser supports it), to keep your expensive components at the lowest possible temperature. . On the other hand, water-cooled devices use a series of coolant-filled tubes, a radiator, water block (the equivalent of heat sinks), and other components like fans to keep your computer at its best heat.


Air cooling, advantages and disadvantages!


One of the most important advantages of air cooling - in most cases, of course - is the sheer ease and simplicity of this type of cooling. It all depends on whether your bag supports or provides you with what you need or not. So much so that if the case for your system is the type that doesn't allow as many fans as you were planning on, chances are that the manufacturer has already installed exactly what you need with such a bag, namely an intake fan at the front that pushes air from the outside into the bag. It then passes over the drives and storage units, and in turn you will find an exhaust fan that blows hot air from the rear of the chassis.

Air cooling, advantages and disadvantages!

 This design I just mentioned is the simplest with the simpler cases as well that are compatible with less aggressive assemblies, so of course you don't need that much cooling in the first place.


The other thing is that graphics cards and central processors are usually shipped to a large extent with some powerful cooling solutions, especially dedicated or professional cards. cooling capacity. These fans, along with those of the processors and the case for the computer as a whole, form an integrated air cooling system to cool the air inside the desktop computer. So, the big question remains: Why air? The answer is actually simple, the main reason you might prefer air cooling is that this type of cooling is cheap compared to water cooling solutions. Even if you want to use professional coolers to cool your CPU or GPU instead of standard corporate cooling solutions, you'll still pay far less than you would for setting up a liquid cooling system.


Air cooling, advantages and disadvantages!

The same goes for the cooling fans of your case or case. You can definitely buy bigger, better, more efficient fans if you want a quieter device, or even some lighter fans if you are interested in that kind of thing. Sure, you'll have to pay some extra money in this case, but you'll spend a lot less money upgrading or building a powerful air-cooling setup than you'd spend doing a typical water-cooling loop.

. Also consider the cost of your sanity, and the safety factor. It is much easier to use a few screws to attach some fans to your bag than to build your own water cooling setup, which will most likely take a lot of thought and a lot of caution and - and sometimes - a lot of praying that no leakage occurs Which may damage the rest of the pieces.


However, conventional air cooling has three major downsides. First, fans do not have the cooling efficiency of water-cooling solutions, which can lead to an issue with overclocked or severely overclocked processors, or in voracious platforms filled with multiple graphics cards.

  Second, heat sinks can sometimes get too large, especially stronger heat sinks. Finally, the sound or noise factor here will definitely be greater than that of aqua dispersants in general.


Water cooling advantages and disadvantages


There are also some factors or use cases to buy a water cooler, otherwise there is no need for you and a conventional air cooler or even a professional air cooler will suffice you. For example, but not limited to, you will need a water cooler if you are a fan of overclocking the processor and graphics card, or a fan of modifying the computer case and adding more of your own adjustments or lights, for example, or other special pieces.

Water cooling advantages and disadvantages

 Water cooling saves some space inside the computer case, and it also provides the necessary cooling for your processor without negative cooling for the rest of the parts inside the case.

 Passive cooling is that heat or thermal field caused by the processor or around the processor area, even with air cooling, which may increase the temperature of other parts or even increase the processor temperature in the event of negative cooling from the graphics card. Therefore, water cooling provides you with isolation of the processor from almost its surroundings


The danger of water cooling


Despite the advantages that water cooling enjoys, it may sometimes be accompanied by some risks that may be unfortunate. For example, there is a risk of leakage. Sometimes, with cooling solutions that need to be installed manually, there is a risk that some liquids will leak from the water cooling system, which means bigger problems for your computer that may damage some parts, as we know electricity and liquids are not friends.


The final note here is that the water cooling process is relatively expensive if you are going to use dedicated water cooling and not the closed loop cooling or AIO that comes pre-installed (we will talk about both types in some detail). For example, air coolers can reach a maximum price of $200 as a maximum, while the majority stays below $100 in the first place, but custom cooling solutions may cost about $500!! It includes a radiator, pump, tubes, and mounting increments for the CPU and GPU.


Types of water cooling


AIO . closed loop cooling


In the case of AIO water cooling solutions, or as they are called closed loop coolers - which are safe, efficient and easy to install at the same time, they are ready-made water cooling solutions that have been pre-installed, tested and verified for safety. All you need as a user does not exceed the installation of the unit in the processor and computer case. Where the fans are installed with the radiator in the computer box in the places designated for them, while the cooling unit or the pump is installed directly with the processor and that's it.


AIO . closed loop cooling

Certainly, this type of cooling solution may provide you with all the advantages that we mentioned above for water cooling solutions. It also has, as we mentioned, ease of use and a relatively low price compared to manually assembled water cooling solutions. There are AIO water-cooling solutions that cost about $40 only. But these types (the lowest in price or the lowest in terms of cooling fans and cooling quality) may have a little less cooling, and it can even be compared to air cooling solutions in some cases.


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So we can group the advantages and disadvantages of this type as follows:

Advantages :

-good price

-Ease of installation

-Less installation risk


-Limited modification as you cannot control the location of the cooling installation as easily as the other type

-You cannot make modifications or improvements to this genre in the future

-Cools only one component (processor or graphics card). And you will need another piece of cooling to cool the other piece.


How to install AIO closed loop?


Make sure that there is a suitable place for installing the radiator and fans.


In the beginning, you must find out or test the coolant that is right for you, in fact, it depends on several factors such as the size of the bag itself, the dimensions of the coolant, and where the liquid coolant is installed in the bag and whether these places are dimensionally compatible with the coolant you want to get or not. For example, you may buy a three-fan cooler, which is a type of liquid cooler that is relatively long, with a length of 360 mm, so the computer case must contain a place to install this cooler and fans together, so that their installation does not conflict with the rest of the pieces you have, otherwise in In fact, you may suffer a lot in the installation process to find the most suitable place for installing the diffuser itself, as we call it the radiator, as well as the cooling fans that are connected to it.


How to install AIO closed loop

Make sure the pump mount is compatible with the processor.


Another important thing in this process is to make sure the coolant pump is compatible with your processor and socket. Usually, you will find that most pumps are compatible with existing processors and sockets, but in some cases and with some processors that are larger in size or older compared to processors, you may not find this compatibility, or at least you may need to install an extra cat to solve this problem.


Water or liquid cooling in general depends on three elements, or specifically four elements:

    -Radiator: It contains liquid and fins that expand the area exposed to heat to increase cooling efficiency.

   - Pipes: They are an important part of the components of the water cooler, as the presence of pipes or hoses with good efficiency and high reliability is important in order to ensure that the fluid flows well and does not leak that fluid.

   - Pump: The pump is one of the most important parts in water cooling, as it is this piece that is directly fused to the surface of the central processor to transfer heat to the liquid.

   - Fans: Fans are an important factor in the efficiency of water cooling, as fans that have static pressure give better performance with water coolers, and fans are a common factor between water and air cooling.

Therefore, before choosing a radiator and before installing it, you must make sure that the pipes have an appropriate length for the place where you will install the radiator (the dimensions of your cace)


Custom loop cooling


The other type of water cooler is that you build your own water cooling solution by selecting the parts individually and installing them yourself. Therefore, this method or type of water cooling is considered more professional and difficult, and it has some risks, although it provides more powerful cooling than the other two types (aerial and closed loop AIO). This type is also characterized by the distinctive shape, you are the one who does all the hard work, bends and zigzags in the fluid paths, as you choose the color of the coolant, besides that the cooling tubes themselves are transparent, which displays all these colors.



Custom loop cooling


Some actually enjoy staring at their computer case from the side to see, for example, the flow of orange coolant inside those transparent tubes with the special RGB lighting to give this a bit of character and character to their case. There are a few basic parts in this type of cooling and they are cooling blocks or blocks, coolant, fans, connections, pipes, pump, radiator, and tank.


How exactly does the cooling process work?

The coolant here is not water, but a good heat conductor. This substance is pumped through the tank, and then this liquid is transferred through the pipes that are connected to each other by connections and then reach the cooling unit or as we call it the cooling block, which can be located on both the central processor and the graphics card (which is what distinguishes this The type of cooling is that the cooling solution can cool both the graphics card and the processor at the same time. The cooling blocks are usually made of copper or aluminum in order to dissipate the heat and pull it well from the processor surface as they are good heat transfer materials, and then heat is transmitted through some narrow channels of the coolant that transfers this heat away after that.


water dispersal


Custom loop cooling

This heat is then transferred to the coolant or radiator where the heat is transferred again from the liquid to the metal contact points and then back to the air outside the bag, and is pushed out by the attached fan(s). One would think that there is not much difference between this whole effort and simply installing the CPU fan, but adding liquid to take away the heat not only helps to cool the component in question (central or graphical processor) but the cooling process itself is faster here and the heat in these The case is expelled outside the entire case and not just away from the CPU (and here we avoid the passive cooling I mentioned at the beginning), this will enable you to enjoy very low temperatures.



Finally, an important point must be noted, which is that if a dual cooling system is installed, and here I mean that you want to cool the central and graphic processor at the same time, some put a radiator between the two cooling processes so that hot liquid does not enter the second component in the loop or even install a loop Cooling in a specific way so that one of the components is not cooled by the liquid emerging from the other component, which in this case is laden with heat. The process, in fact, requires some experience and risk for these reasons. This makes closed field cooling more popular among the traditional middle users.


The last point also in this type is that each piece is specially selected according to several factors such as the size of the bag and the temperature that the user wants to reach, and whether the cooling is single or double (a graphics card and a central processor), and other factors that are determined according to the nature of components to be purchased. In any case, the article cannot talk in detail about this type of cooling. But if we want to talk about the advantages and disadvantages, we can mention them as follows:



-Installation according to the user's desire in terms of shape and colors.

-Better cooling.

-The ability to install cooling to serve more than one component inside the computer case.

-Possibility to update in the future.



-Difficult to install and not recommended for beginners as it requires experience.

-There is a risk of leakage in case of inattention.


Thus, we have collected the advantages and disadvantages of coolers, and all you have to do is choose the right cooler for you

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