The dangers of artificial intelligence … Does it really threaten the security of humanity?


Is artificial intelligence a threat to humanity? In fact, there is no clear answer to this question. There are many experts who believe that artificial intelligence will greatly serve humanity, and on the other hand, there are those who see that it will be an enemy of humanity, and if we look at it in terms of risks, we find that there are many potential damages that It may be caused by artificial intelligence in the future, which is mainly related to reducing the number of jobs due to companies relying on robots instead of human power, which is known as “automation”.


The dangers of artificial intelligence … Does it really threaten the security of humanity

In short, artificial intelligence can be defined as the creation of robots that can do the things that humans do that require thinking, and it is even possible for robots to perform tasks better than humans, and this certainly has many aspects Positive as this can help improve people's lives and raise the level of well-being, but in return, this matter may lead to a lot of damage if we do not deal with it properly. In the following lines, we discuss with you some of the most important risks that may result from artificial intelligence technologies in the future and their impact on humanity.


Job loss due to automation


Job loss due to automation

Robots are more productive and faster in completing tasks than humans, machines do not often need to rest, and they perform work very quickly and accurately, and in addition, the cost of thousands is cheaper for companies than hiring workers, and for this, there are many professions that are at risk of extinction in the future, specifically those jobs that are based on repetitive routine work, including professions related to accounts and law, yet other jobs are not considered immune to the risk of artificial intelligence as well, now a lot of techniques and applications of artificial intelligence have appeared in the fields of medicine, engineering and other fields that require human thinking. Significantly. On the other hand, there are many experts who expect the opposite. Artificial intelligence technologies can help us create new job opportunities in the future that compensate for the lost ones, and we hope that this actually happens.


Privacy Violation and Deepfake Fake


Although the possibility of losing jobs in the future is one of the most important dangers that may result from artificial intelligence, it is not the only danger, it is also expected that artificial intelligence will help to violate privacy if it is used incorrectly, specifically by criminals, there is now what is known as deep fake Deepfake, which helps to make fake videos of real people, and the average person, or even experts in some cases, cannot discover the truth of the video, which may lead to a lot of violations and misinformation in the future, and in addition, artificial intelligence techniques can threaten physical security Also, by arming automated planes, in addition to political security where AI can be exploited in injustice, oppression, invasion of privacy and much more.


automated weapons


automated weapons

Elon Musk, one of the largest businessmen in America and the world who owns many leading companies and organizations, including the OpenAI organization that works in the field of artificial intelligence research, previously warned the United Nations of the danger of weapons that use artificial intelligence techniques, as they could potentially It becomes more dangerous even than nuclear weapons, and it has been advocated by many experts in America, and even far from military use and wars, it could be dangerous to include civilian life as well, in the future artificial intelligence technologies will become widely available and will be much cheaper than It is now. In the future, experts say, anyone can buy a drone for just $1,000 and use it for bad purposes. It is even possible that the drones are equipped with facial recognition technologies and thus can be used to track and harm a specific person and more as well.


loss of human skills


loss of human skills

There is no other field that technology has not affected and changed a great deal, and in general, people always depend on computers and smartphones to perform easy and difficult daily tasks, such as arithmetic, translation, writing, data analysis, etc., and this may be useful in most cases except It is not always so, because of the excessive reliance on smartphones, humans lose many basic skills, and this may be more dangerous for children who rely heavily on computers, such as always using a calculator to perform arithmetic operations, which may lead to a weakening of their mathematical skills, Of course, it extends to much more than that, as it is expected that in the future, artificial intelligence will help us to perform the simplest tasks, even those that do not require much effort.


the end


Artificial intelligence is one of the most important branches of technology that is developing greatly, and like all other technological applications, it has many benefits and harms, and therefore it is important to focus on how to make the most of artificial intelligence and technology in general and reduce its risks as much as possible. 

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