Overclocking the processor, how and why we do it?

Overclocking the processor is the solution that those who do not have the money to buy a powerful processor think of and want to compensate for this by overclocking the processor and increasing its speed beyond its capacity. Are they right? What does overclocking the processor mean? How is it done? Does it have any risks? What is required of you to overclock your processor if it supports it?? In this article, we will talk about a comprehensive topic about overclocking the processor, and we await your questions with open arms at the end of the topic


Overclocking the processor, how and why we do it

What does overclocking mean?


Overclocking the processor is simply the process of increasing the processor speed from its normal speed by changing several factors and ratios in it, and to clarify with an example

If you have a processor whose speed or frequency is 2400 MHz, you will not overclock its speed unless you find that it is not enough for your use and you do not want to buy a new processor and when you increase the speed of this processor or its frequency to 2600 MHz, for example, this means that you have overclocked the processor


Very important before you start reading


We have tried in this topic to make it comprehensive about breaking the processor speed for every novice, step by step, and we have collected for you the information that you may need in this topic from the reality of our experience and the questions that may come to your mind so that you are aware of the entire topic, but we advise you that this topic should not be your only reference. It may be a bit similar for each processor, but it remains different in the end, and each processor may find its own steps to break its speed from another processor found in another motherboard, even if they are similar in the same hardware.


Therefore, we advise you to read this topic well and then search for how to overclock your processor specifically on Google so that you are confident of the steps that you will take. The topic is yours, but it will not suit every processor, of course.. Of course, our goal is not to monopolize anything, but we care about your interest first and not to deceive you, because this is the goal of every Arab technical site and not just a computer shot.. They all seek to benefit you, so I search well after reading this topic again On topics of particular interest to your therapist


The idea of ​​the process of overclocking the processor


The processor speed is calculated by a simple equation, which is the product of (Front Bus Speed ​​(FSB) * Specific parameter (Multiplier)). As for the front bus, it is a path that delivers information from the processor to a place on the motherboard called the NorthBridge chip. This front carrier with


FSB, CPU External Frequency, CPU Host Clock, CPU Bus Clock. There are many details inside this bus, but it is not our topic today and we will not go into its details now because the original topic is already long and its details are many enough. Increase the original processor speed


As for the specified parameter, the Multiplier, we can also call it CPU Ratio, which is just a specific number that is in each processor, and this number may be closed, as in many processors, and it can never be changed. Therefore, increasing the speed of the front bus will be the focus of the whole work to increase the speed of the processor.


Advantages and disadvantages of overclocking the processor


• The advantage of overclocking the processor is only one, which is to increase the efficiency, speed and performance of the processor without any additional cost, as if you had bought another new processor with a higher speed.

• As for the defects, they are numerous, but you can solve them or not worry about them if you do this process correctly and that the other components in the device will withstand the new changes to the frequency of the processor, as increasing the frequency or breaking the speed will lead to an increase in the temperature of the processor, which may damage it, but you can solve this problem Provide a suitable diffuser or air fan


• Increasing the frequency of the processor and breaking its speed will also affect the increase in the frequency of both the graphics card and the RAM, so make sure that you have an excellent graphics card and RAM that can withstand high frequencies so as not to damage all of them. Also, you must have a power supply that provides more power than Necessary because increasing the frequency of the processor consumes more power than the power supply.


Do you really have to overclock the processor?


In fact, there is one advantage to overclocking in exchange for a lot of risks, so what if you do not get that advantage? Will this be worth the risk? There are many tests that have been conducted about the results of overclocking on the efficiency of games and programs as well as the system. The conclusion was that breaking the speed of weak and medium processors leads to a noticeable increase in the performance of games, programs and applications. As for powerful processors, you will not find a noticeable increase in the way you expect because the processor has already been able To provide strong performance and support for those games and programs efficiently, but it can benefit users of design and graphics programs and those complex programs and operations.


Do you really have to overclock the processor

My talk is directed to another category as well, and those who want to buy a new motherboard should do their accounts when choosing a motherboard that supports overclocking or not, because usually the motherboard that supports overclocking is much more expensive, so think before you put your money in that motherboard without benefiting from it and just go behind Its name and the idea that it supports overclocking only, is it worth increasing only 10% of the processor speed that money? Is your cash even worth spending it on a motherboard that supports overclocking and you will not use it to break the speed at all!! Think carefully before anything


My advice to you.. Before you think about breaking the processor speed, do a simple calculation. You will find that you want a strong cooling system to equalize the rise in the temperature of the processor, as well as a strong motherboard that can withstand that, as well as a respected Power Supply to increase the processor’s power. Of course, all this will cost you additional costs, which could have been provided And add to it the price of your sale of this processor, which will break its speed and buy a new, stronger processor. Because you are also at risk of losing this processor when any error occurs during the overclocking process... That is my advice to you, and the decision is your decision before anything. In any case, I will tell you how to overclock, God willing.


Is it suitable for the processor I used to overclock?


If you do not know the extent of the support or ability of the motherboard to overclock your processor or not? The simplest way to find out is to know the type of your motherboard and processor through the Cpuz program and then write the version of the motherboard or processor next to the word Overclocking in Google to find many topics that will benefit you, the most important of which is the official website of the motherboard or processor manufacturer, as well as you will find many who use the same parts of your device They ask the same question as yours, and you can benefit from the answers to them. Generally, overclocking depends first and foremost on the support of the motherboard and the processor for that.


What do you need to overclock the processor?


1-     Motherboard supports overclocking - There is a motherboard designed specifically for overclocking, and there are more steps and complications that are needed to break the speed, and there is no support for overclocking at all, so make sure that the motherboard for your computer supports overclocking first

2-     The same processor - some processors differ from others in their ability to overclock in an excellent way, so if your processor is of this type, many things will be easier for you

3-     Excellent cooling for the processor - if you intend to break the speed to a relatively high speed, you will need a better and stronger cooling system than the traditional processor fan, you will need a new and stronger cooling system than the previous one, but for the processor speed to be overclocked, you may need to use water cooling


Water, air, or aio cooling which is better

4-     cpu-z program - a very simple and useful program to display and know the speed of the processor you are using, as well as the value of the processor voltage and such details that we will need, God willing, while breaking the speed of the processor and following up on its condition

5-     Prime9 or AIDA64 - You will need one of these programs or you may need them all to force your processor to work at its maximum capacity and make sure that it is stable and with this test you will be sure if your device will crash a lot or will overheat

6-     RealTemp - You will use this program to monitor the temperature of the processor when you overclock it and force the processor to run at full speed


How do you overclock a processor?


The process of overclocking the processor is sensitive and dangerous, so if you want to do it, you must be careful and accurate and do it at your own risk and we are not responsible for any error or damage

In this topic, I will tell you about the basic steps to break the speed of the processor and get a stable system after that. As I told you, they are basic steps and you will not push your processor to its maximum speed, but you will understand how the process is done very simply .. This process is more complex and longer than you think and who explained it in more than one topic and not Even one topic, but we've found that you'll get stability in your system if we change one value at a time instead of overclocking the processor and guessing which voltage you should change and this process will take a lot of time so find something to do during those tests because you will be doing a lot of rebooting and wait a long time


Each motherboard differs slightly in the shape of its BIOS, so you should discover your BIOS and get to know it and its menus more. Since we do not have a suitable processor to try on it at the present time, and in order not to mislead you with steps of our creativity, we have cloned the Lifehaker experience in overclocking the Ivy processor Bridge-E i7-4930K on a MSI X79A-GD45 motherboard, and we will present it to you in this topic. It is a very reliable and famous site. We have reviewed that experience, so there is no need to worry. The basic steps in this process should work for versions of Sandy Bridge and above, and although each processor is slightly different from the other, I still advise you to do some additional research on your processor specifically regarding its temperature, maximum voltage and any other considerations


The first step: Test the performance of the processor at its default settings


In general, the first thing you should do is to enter the BIOS, and the way to enter the BIOS in your device varies from one device to another, so search in Google for how to enter the BIOS in your device (hp, dell ...)


Test the performance of the processor at its default settings

Now find the option Load Optimized Defaults or any option similar to these words in the BIOS of your device and then click on this option to reset the BIOS settings to the default settings


Then choose Save Changes and Reboot or any similar option


Once you have rebooted and entered Windows, open the AIDa64 program, then click on the Stability System Test (the button that looks like a computer screen with a green graph on it), then select all the options and tick those boxes in front of them, then start the test. Then let the test start for a few hours to make sure that your system is stable and when you are finished press Stop and go to the next step


Step Two: Increase the Multiplier


This is the time to start overclocking .. You can search in Google for the overclocking settings that suit you, but we prefer that you start from the speed of your processor and gradually increase the speed of the processor .. This may take time, but this is the easiest way to make sure that your system after overclocking It will be stable and there will be no problems with it


Increase the Multiplier

Now go back to the BIOS settings of your device and then go to the overclocking settings and you will find it often called Overclocking Settings or CPU Tweaker or something like that


Now go to the digital parameter settings called CPU Multiplier or CPU Ratio and you will not find it in Auto mode, change it to a percentage slightly higher than its default percentage


If you are not sure of your default number, it is often the same as the speed of your processor, meaning that if its speed is 3.4, then the digital parameter is often 34 and so on, so you can raise its value in this case to 35


When you are done, save the settings, then reboot the device and enter Windows again, then do the next step


Some people cannot change the digital parameter and it is a fixed number that does not change. In this case, you will change the value of the front bus speed in the same way, and you will find its settings often in the Frequency / Voltage Control or Advanced Chipset Features or Softmenu or Miscellaneous section, then increase the frequency of the front bus by a small amount, let it be 5 MHz and repeat the same steps


Step Three: Test the stability of the processor


Now you have overclocked your processor (very light overclocking) and now it is time to test the stability of your system and device after these settings and make sure that it is still stable


Test the stability of the processor

You have to open the CPU-Z program first to make sure that the new ratios for your processor have already been applied, through the CPU tab in the program


Use Prime9 or AIDA64 to push the processor to work at full speed as in the first step


Monitor the temperature of the processor and the entire device with Real Temp


After completing the device test, you will be under one of these three possibilities


- If the test succeeded without problems and at a safe and reassuring temperature, then repeat the third step and then increase the digital lab by another number


- If the test tells you that there are errors in the system or you see the blue screen of death for Windows, this means that the voltage of your device is not enough, so go to the fourth step


- If the temperature reaches unreassuring percentages.. well, in this case, you have reached the maximum limit for you and you cannot continue.. the maximum temperature suitable for your device varies from one device to another based on the limits of your processor (you can search in Google for more details regarding your processor) and remember that The higher the temperature of the processor and the higher the voltage, the shorter the life of the processor. When this happens, go to step six.


Step Four: Increase the voltage


When you do system stability tests after overclocking a certain percentage and you find that the system is unstable and you fall a lot in the blue screen of death for Windows, do not worry, this may be because you need more voltage and now you will increase that voltage


Increase the voltage

Go again to the BIOS settings and then the overclocking settings as they are in your BIOS as we did in the second step, then find the value that belongs to the CPU Core or Vcore and raise it a little more than its current value, for example, if the value is 1.2000, you can raise it a little to 1.2500


When you are finished, save these settings, restart the computer, and repeat the third step, and remember that the more you increase the value of the voltage, the higher the temperature, so monitor it as well


Step Five: Repeat the process again


Repeat these steps again until you reach the maximum value for the temperature and the voltage is safe and the system is then stable (again, Google is your guide for more information about the processor you are using) and when you reach this value, go back to the settings again and save the last safe value for the voltage And for the value of the digital parameter Multiplier, and when you are done, save the settings and reboot to Windows again to do some final tests in the sixth step.


Step 6: Do some final exams


After entering Windows, open the Prime95 program, then choose Just Stress Testing. If the test window does not appear, go to Options, then Torture Test, then set it to do FFT Test, then press OK and let the test run for 6 hours. Here it is recommended to leave the program running for 6 hours 12 hours to be more sure, but I think 6 hours is enough time


Do some final exams

Prime95 is very good at testing the maximum temperature of the processor at its maximum speed, so monitor the temperature during this time.


Now use the AIDA64 program for the same purpose, and it is also an important program because it not only makes your processor work 100%, but it also tests the components of the processor to make sure that everything is stable and OK .. If everything is successful, congratulations, you have now successfully overclocked the processor


Note: If things got tough with you during the steps and you were unable to access your device again, you can manually reset the BIOS by changing the position of the jumper next to the BIOS on the motherboard of your device and the default settings will be restored and everything will be back as it was


manually reset the BIOS

last words..


As we said before, these are basic steps for those who want to overclock the processor, but there are other things that we recommend that you check, such as the frequency of the RAM, and it is also in the BIOS under the name DRAM Frequency. For the Intel motherboard, you may not find options to overclock the BIOS, so you can use other programs such as SoftFSB.. The previous steps are essential steps for any novice to overclock the CPU, and I advise you to constantly read one, two and three times about overclocking before taking any step.  so you can take advantage of these sites: overclockers.com, overclock.net, hexus.net, as they are specialized in the field of overclocking 

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